
Pollution in the Amazon River

Name: Danna Rocha Date: 28 - 01 - 2022 "Pollution in the American River" Pollution is the intense and harmful contamination of water produced by residues from industrial or biological processes, since a clear example is the Amazon River, which has been the victim of oil activity, contaminating in a generalized way several headwaters of the river since it has also been polluted by silent pollutants such as microplastics, pesticides, pharmaceuticals and heavy metals. In 2019, the first pollution warning was made towards countries near the river such as Colombia, Brazil and Peru, leading to a 1,500-kilometer waste collection journey. In 1960 it was warned about the existence of pollution in the Amazon River and how it could affect nearby countries and the damage it caused to people. Researchers announced that by visiting the main urban areas of the Amazon River such as Manaus, Santarem and Belen, it was the first large collection and analysis of the invisible pollution that affe

Causes and Consequences of Dolarization in Ecuador

"Causes and Consequences of Dolarization in Ecuador" Name: Danna Rocha La Dolarización en el ecuador la anuncio el presidente de ese entonces que era Jamil Mahuad un abogado y político Ecuatoriano de ascendencia libanesa y alemana que  fue elegido como presidente del Ecuador en 1998 ya que no culminó su periodo presidencial ya que fue cesado en sus funciones en enero de 2000 ya que también fue líder del desaparecido partido ecuatoriano Democracia Popular por lo que antes de llegar a la presidencia del Ecuador, Jamil Mahuad desempeñó cargos como diputado  ya que  a pesar  los críticos de la  dolarización  como Alberto Acosta, economista y ex presidente de la Asamblea que fue Constituyente del  Ecuador , lo que ocurrió con la economía del país tras asumir la medida económica fue cuestión de un "momento de suerte" por un incremento de la entrada de  dólares  hacia el país producto de las remesas de los migrantes combinado con el aumento del precio del petróleo que bene


SALT 1 Members: Matias Freire, Danna Rocha, Poled Pozo, Sol Mora. On May 26, 1972, US President Richard Nixon and the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Leonid Brezhnev, signed this treaty, which was in force for 30 years, until 2002 since June 2002, six months after announcing it, the United States withdrew from the agreement.   SALT 1 was a corresponding bilateral conversation between the Soviet Union and the United States since it was the superpowers of the Cold War on the issue of arms control, specifically that of limiting strategic nuclear weapons and stopping the arms race since there were two meetings of talks and agreements: SALT I and SALT II that were signed at the end of each of the negotiations carried out between the United States and the Soviet Union.   The SALT I treaty confirmed and initiated by the USA and the USSR were initiated and carried out mainly in the Country of Austria in the priority states of Helsinki an

Auschwitz: History, characteristics, objective, implementation, consequences.

Name: Danna Rocha Date: 20 - 01 - 2020. Auschwitz  R udolf Franz Ferdinand Höß, also spelled Hoeß, Höss or Hoess, was a German military, SS officer who was the leader of Auschwitz. The work and extermination camps were created in order to imprison and exterminate Jews, communists, anarchists, socialists, political dissidents, prisoners of war, homosexuals, gypsies, Slavs, Jehovah's Witnesses, common criminals, Spanish republicans, emigrants, people with disabilities etc. Since Dachau became the prototype of the Nazi concentration camps and training center for the members of the SS who would control the rest of the death camps. Since its first commander, Theodor Eicke, created the organizational structure and designed the sadistic operating rules and that it was about exiles who, after leaving Spain in 1939, had been enlisted in the French Army and who at the time of the invasion from France by the Wehrmacht were captured by the Germans. Between 1940 and 1945, some 7,200 Spani

Causes and effects of wars: The 1000 days civil war. Colombia.

            "War of the thoun d days in Colombia" Name: Danna Rocha Date: 5 de diciembre del 2021.    Causes of the War -  On July 16, 1848 there began to be differences between conservatives and liberals since the conservatives tried to protect the Catholic Church, while the liberals tended to allow the worship of other religions.         -  From 1948 to 1957 they were one of the dates in which there was a lot of political instability by President Alfonso López Michelsen, since there was a lack of order in the political system and imbalances in the socio-political system. -  In 1900, Colombia continued to face an economic disorder of great proportions that brought severe consequences since 90% of the Colombian population was affected and more because they were in the thousand-day war. - On September 19, 1813, Manuel Antonio Sanclemente, while he was ruling the country of Colombia little by little, at his age of 84, caused several disagreements with other countries and deci