Pollution in the Amazon River

Name: Danna Rocha

Date: 28 - 01 - 2022

"Pollution in the American River"

Pollution is the intense and harmful contamination of water produced by residues from industrial or biological processes, since a clear example is the Amazon River, which has been the victim of oil activity, contaminating in a generalized way several headwaters of the river since it has also been polluted by silent pollutants such as microplastics, pesticides, pharmaceuticals and heavy metals.

In 2019, the first pollution warning was made towards countries near the river such as Colombia, Brazil and Peru, leading to a 1,500-kilometer waste collection journey.

In 1960 it was warned about the existence of pollution in the Amazon River and how it could affect nearby countries and the damage it caused to people.

Researchers announced that by visiting the main urban areas of the Amazon River such as Manaus, Santarem and Belen, it was the first large collection and analysis of the invisible pollution that affects the northern region of Brazil related to the expansion and growth of cities and activities industrial.


- Accidental oil spills

- Lack of adequate facilities for households that causes all waste to be discharged into the Amazon River

- Oil Spill

- Small-scale mining

- The use of agrochemicals and municipal landfills

- The expulsion of complex mixtures of pharmaceutical products and other substances consumed by modern societies.

- The accumulation of tons of waste that end up in the river due to lack of adequate treatment such as garbage, plastic, etc.


- The lack of fish causes famine and imbalance in the area.

- The contamination of hydrocarbons by the boats.

- The death of fish and the state of decomposition caused by pollution causes diseases to the population.

- The drought has contributed to several outbreaks of forest fires in the area. 

- Worse air quality and higher global temperatures.

- The critical situation due to lack of drinking water in the population.

- Climate change is evident in the Peruvian Amazon.

Pollution in the Amazon River affects a lot, especially Manaus, Santarem and Belen, urban areas that are the first to be affected because they are close to the Amazon River, they feed on fish from the river, they also drink water from the river, bathe and wash their clothes among many other things, functions that each time makes the number of diseases grow and people die from the pollution of the Amazon River, having as an impact a lot of insecurity on the river despite living on it, since Peru, Brazil and Colombia, countries closest to the Amazon River are responsible for its pollution, since the lack of adequate facilities, the expulsion of dangerous chemicals, the expulsion of waste make several people put their lives at risk, because it is not only these countries but several that Apart from contaminating rivers like the Amazon, the Salween River also contaminates forests creating forest fires, we must bear in mind that if the contamination continues like this, We could reach levels of mortality so high that it would be impossible to live near the river and thus attacking countless communities that are dedicated to fishing to feed themselves and survive.


- Flores, A.(2013 - 2022). AmazoniaunMundo Verde.com. Causas y Defectos de la Polución en el Rio Amazonas: Las principales causas de contaminación en la amazonia son: – Amazonia, un mundo verde (wordpress.com)

- Pérez, A. ( 2017 - 2022). aquapurif.com. La Polución del Rio Amazonas: La contaminación del río Amazonas - Aquapurif


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