Causes and effects of wars: The 1000 days civil war. Colombia.

            "War of the thound days in Colombia"

Name: Danna Rocha

Date: 5 de diciembre del 2021. 


Causes of the War

-  On July 16, 1848 there began to be differences between conservatives and liberals since the conservatives tried to protect the Catholic Church, while the liberals tended to allow the worship of other religions.        

From 1948 to 1957 they were one of the dates in which there was a lot of political instability by President Alfonso López Michelsen, since there was a lack of order in the political system and imbalances in the socio-political system.

In 1900, Colombia continued to face an economic disorder of great proportions that brought severe consequences since 90% of the Colombian population was affected and more because they were in the thousand-day war.

- On September 19, 1813, Manuel Antonio Sanclemente, while he was ruling the country of Colombia little by little, at his age of 84, caused several disagreements with other countries and decided that the country would face the thousand-day war and caused various damages to the country but determined his overthrow and the loss of Panama in 1903.

The Liberal Revolution, also known as the Invasion of the 60s due to the number of men with whom the movement began, was an expedition of Venezuelans exiled in Colombia under the command of Cipriano Castro that began on May 23, 1899, which had the purpose of overthrowing the government of President Ignacio Andrade.

 On July 16, 1848 the Liberal Party was founded and a year later on October 4 In 1849, the Conservative Party of Colombia arose since there was one whose rivalry between parties of and coups d'état since a decade later at the beginning of 1948 the murder arose of Jorge Eliécer Gaitán of the Liberal Party since they accelerated the contact between the two parties since it was where the fight between parties began.

Consequences of war

The Conservative Hegemony began in 1899 and 1902 as it developed in Colombia in the Thousand Day War as it was an armed conflict between liberals and conservatives and was terminated with the Neerlandia and Wisconsin peace treaties.

On February 4 to 11, 1945, Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin met in the city of Yalta. The victors and divided the German territory into four occupation zones: the eastern one was controlled by the USSR, and the western one by France, Great Britain and the United States was already a great consequence for the thousand days war.

During the war of the thousand days of Colombia, the country of Colombia was left with a devastating economy since this was at the beginning of the year 1896 since the country endured with its debts and was declared a country in economic crisis.

On September 22, 1995, the 5,000-peso bills were put into circulation, with which homage is paid to the Colombian poet José Asunción and to the 10,000-peso bill since this was a consequence that brought the war of the thousand days in Colombia .

In 1901, the country of Colombia suffered an infrastructure that left the country in ashes since it was one of the most regrettable consequences that Colombia went through since it achieved several changes in the country such as civil conflict, economic problems, social problems, problems politicians etc.

In 1900 it was a totally devastating date for Colombia as they went through a war called the Thousand Day War in Colombia, which they did not have and caused 100,000 deaths since it put 80% of the population of Colombia in crisis in several ways.


Norms Apa:

Adriana, L. (2018 – 2020). TOMI. com. De la Guerra de los mil días de Colombia: Causas, Consecuencias, Historia:


Rojas, A. (2017 – 2020). Prezi. Com. La guerra de los mil días(Causas y Efectos):





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